标的物 Delivery of the object 定金 Deposits 注销登记 Deregistration 董事 Directors 清偿 Discharge 持股权益披露 Disclosure of shareholders’ interest 任意公积金 Discretionary reserve fund 合同的解除 Dismissal of contract 处分权 Disposal right 解散 Dissolution 新设分立 Division by new establishment 赠与 Donation 提存 Drawing 选举权 Election rights 发包人 Employer 股权收购 Equities acquisition 合同成立 Establishment of a contract 核准 Examination and approval 免责条款 Exclusion clauses 执行董事 Executive directors 除名 Expel 临时股东大会 Extraordinary general meeting 不可抗力 Force majeure 欺诈 Fraud 无偿划拨 Free allotment 股东大会 General meeting of shareholders 普通合伙人 General partners 普通合伙企业 General partnership enterprises 政府债券 Government bond 重大过失 Gross fault 保证人 Guarantor 担保 Guaranty 担保合同 Guaranty contracts 保证期间 Guaranty period 不动产 Immovable property/Real estate 独立董事 Independent directors 间接收购 Indirect takeover 首次公开发行 Initial public offering(IPO) 内幕交易 Insider trading 资不抵债 Insolvency 胁迫 Intimidation 无效行为 Invalid activities 出资义务 Investment obligation 非公开发行 Issuance in a non-public manner 连带责任保证 Joint and several liability guarantee 共同共有 Joint co-ownership 正当理由 Justified reasons 土地承包经营权 Land contractual operating rights 租赁物 Leased property 法人财产权 Legal person property rights 法定代理人 Legal representatives 违约责任 Liability for breach of contract 诉讼时效 Limitation of action 有限责任公司 Limited liability company 有限合伙人 Limited partner 有限合伙企业 Limited partnership enterprise 限定交易 Limited trading 清算组 Liquidation committee 清算义务人 Liquidation obligor 上市公司 Listed company 管理层收购 Management buyout 强制要约 Mandatory offer 操纵市场行为 Market rigging 市场份额 Market share 重大资产重组 Material assets reorganization 吸收合并 Merger by absorption 新设合并 Merger by consolidation 少数股东权益 Minority shareholder rights 垄断行为 Monopolistic practices 垄断 Monopoly 抵押权 Mortgage 动产 Movable property 名义股东 Nominee shareholder 非货币财产出资 Non-monetary contribution 不可替代物 Non-substitute 善意取得 Obtain in good faith 要约 Offer 抵销 Offset 经营者 Operators 所有权 Ownership 有偿出让 Paid transfer 履行 Perform 重整期间 Period of reorganization 定期报告 Periodic report 配股 Placing 质权 Pledge rights 优先清偿 Preferential repayment 委托人 Principal 私人所有权 Private ownership 破产和解程序 Procedure of settlement for bankruptcy 加工 Processing 利润分配 Profit distribution 发起人 Promoter 发起设立 Promotion 招股说明书 Prospectus 公积金 Provident fund 物权法 Real Rights Law 注册资本 Registered capital 重整 Reorganization 收购报告书 Report of acquisition 要约收购报告书 Reports of acquisition by offer 股东会决议 Resolution of shareholders’ meeting 可撤销合同 Revocable contract 知情权 Right to know 提议权 Right to propose 破产撤销权 Right to rescind bankruptcy 优先受偿权 Right to seek preferential payments of compensation 证券法 Securities Law 证券服务机构 Securities trading service institutions 自益权 Self-benefit right 股东会 Shareholders’ meeting 短线交易 Short swing trading 简易交付 Simple delivery 一人有限责任公司 Single shareholder limited liability company 中小企业板 Small and medium enterprise (SME) board 个人独资企业 Sole proprietorship enterprises 保荐人 Sponsor 国家所有权 State ownership 法定退伙 Statutory withdrawal from the partnership 募集设立 Stock flotation 股票 Stocks 停止支付 Stop paying/ Terminate payment 代位权 Subrogation 认购股份 Subscription of shares 可替代物 Substitute 监事 Supervisors 补充协议 Supplementary terms 盈余公积金 Surplus reserve 暂停上市 Suspend the listing 停牌 Suspend trading 持续盈利能力 Sustainable profitability 终止上市 Terminate the listing 合同终止 Terminated contract 从物 The auxiliary property 消费者利益 The interests of consumers 原物 The original object 主物 The principal property 股东名册 The register of shareholders 破产抵销权 The right of set-off 一般取回权 The right to retrieve 民事撤销权 The right to revoke 交易相对人 Trading counterparties 停市 Trading halt 过户 Transfer (of securities) 债权转让 Transfer of the creditor’s rights 不能清偿 Unable/Fails to pay off 承销 Undertaking 承销商 Underwriter 非上市公众公司 Unlisted public company 用益物权 Usufruct rights 要约有效期 Valid period of an offer 无效合同 Void contract 一人一票 Voting method of one vote for one 表决权 Voting rights 债务的免除 Waived obligations 豁免 Waiver 认股权证 Warrant 合同签订地 Where a contract is signed 国有独资公司 Wholly state-owned company 抽逃出资 Withdraw paid-in capital 退伙 Withdrawal from the partnership |